Thursday, September 4, 2008

Self Segregation in the Gym

There's a shit ton more women doing Cardio than Men.
There's a shit ton more men doing Weight Training than Women.
There's a shit ton more women doing those classes than Men.

IS IT as simple as THIS!?:
Men want muscles.
Women want to lose fat.

Here's my thought:
Men want commoradorie and use weight lifting as a social time to bond with other men. Why not gather around a grunting activity?
Women enjoy the solace, independence, and mental rejuvination that a cardio exercise gives.

I like both. I must be a tranny.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I think it has less to do wtih camaraderie and solace than with the thought that most men go to the gym to do weight training (in addition to cardio - which typ. comes in second priority to weight training) because they want muscles and have an image of a sculpted body they want to acheive; even if they don't aim to be body builders. Maybe it's a macho testosterone thing, or an ingrained social image.

On the flip side, many women are less interested in building muscles than losing weight. They may have misconceptions on the effects of weight training - I'd say they have fears of building big muscles and looking manly.... so they stick to cardio. This leads to skinny women with little muscle tone. Maybe it's a social image thing.

But what do I know....