Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sleep is important

People are already asking me 'How did you do it?'. I'm only halfway to my goal but I guess thirty pounds is good enough for a positive response. I used to be more humble about it, saying "oh, it was just eating right and exercise". I've decided to be more honest recently with a response of "I ate nothing but good healthy shit. Shit, did not touch this tongue the entire time. AND I worked out every single fucking day for two to three hours sacrificing dates, social life, parties, and personal hobbies, sometimes til 2AM if needed".

THIS as it turns out GOT ME SICK. the doctor said it was strain and my immune system went down. This week I exercised as intensely but added social time and personal projects back into my life sacrificing sleep. This destroyed my immune system and made me get a throat infection.

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