Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blood pressure

I have high blood pressure. Been researching how to lower it.

In just two days of barely eating any salt, and eating a healthier meal, the systolic and diastolic both dropped, by ~10 to ~15. I'll have to continue to monitor this to see if it drops any further from diet alone. Seems like it's just to maintain this lower pressure.

120/80 is normal
139/89 is prehypertension
159/99 is Stage 1 Hypertension
160/100 is Stage 2 Hypertension

I'm at Stage 2 with diastolic and Stage 1 with sistolic.

Methods: • lower salt below 2400mg, or below 1500mg is even better. eat more potassium (mushrooms, spinach, yogurt, bananas)
• fat loss, every BMI point increase is a hypertension increase of 6%.
• healthy eating can drop it from 1 to 6.4 percent
• no alcohol
• meditation??
• EXERCISE. drops for even healthy people.

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