Law #1 of Thin People is You gotta eat food to lose weight. Sounds counter intuitive. so I bought some groceries for breakfast eggs italian parsley cucumber roma tomatoes pineapple bannas whole wheat bread oatmeal onions juice yogurt
Eating 3 meals a day is the minimum--I actually recommend 5-6 small, lower calorie meals throughout the day so you never get hungry. Hunger leads to *bad* decisions!
You bought the Pineapple because of its exoticism. That is definitely a tertiary grocery item and I can't figure out for the life of me what it is complimenting.
Eating 3 meals a day is the minimum--I actually recommend 5-6 small, lower calorie meals throughout the day so you never get hungry. Hunger leads to *bad* decisions!
You bought the Pineapple because of its exoticism. That is definitely a tertiary grocery item and I can't figure out for the life of me what it is complimenting.
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